Lime Academy Larkswood ask for all parents’ co-operation in maintaining our high standards of school uniform. We believe that a uniform helps to promote a good working environment and a positive attitude to learning.
Please ensure that all children’s clothing is named.
Where there are particular medical or religious reasons that make it difficult for parents to adhere to the above uniform, please do not hesitate to discuss the matter with the Headteacher.
Physical Education is a National Curriculum subject and not an option. Children are expected to wear the correct kit for PE and games lessons.
The safety of your child is of paramount importance to the school; therefore, stud earrings are the only form of jewellery that your child can wear. If for any reason you feel that your child has to wear a piece of jewellery, please come and talk to a member of staff.
Lost Property
Please ensure that each item of your child’s clothing is named. Children are expected to look after their own clothing. Named clothing that is found around the school will be returned to its owner. However, we are very unlikely to be able to reunite un-named items with their owners. The school does not have any legal liability to replace or reimburse for pupils’ clothing or other property when it has been stolen or lost in school.

Through our uniform and dress code we aim to:
- Encourage pride in our academy
- Support teaching and learning
- Enable pupils to be comfortable, safe and secure
- Encourage a sense of equality and belonging to the academy community
Boys Uniform
- Plain navy, grey or white socks
- Black flat school shoes
- Black or navy coat
- Dark grey trousers
- Navy blue jumper, cardigan or tank top with lime stripe and school logo
- Navy blue and lime tie
Optional uniform for Summer Term ONLY
- Dark Grey shorts
- Short-sleeved white collard shirt with tie
Girls Uniform
- White blouse
- Dark grey knee-length skirt or dark grey pinafore dress or dark grey trousers
- Navy blue jumper, cardigan or tank top with lime stripe and school logo
- Navy blue and lime tie
- Plain navy, grey or white tights or socks
- Black flat school shoes – no ballerina pumps or trainers
- Navy blue head scarf if required for religious reasons
- Black or navy coat
Optional uniform for Summer Term ONLY
- Dark blue gingham check dress
- Dark Grey shorts, culottes
- Short sleeved white collard shirt with tie
- Sensible, school appropriate black flat-soled sandals (no open toe shoes)
P.E. Kit
- White academy PE T-shirt
- Plain navy shorts
- White, navy our grey socks
- Navy tracksuit bottoms
- Navy academy PE sweatshirt
- Black plimsolls
- Trainers (optional) – these must have a white sole to prevent marking the gymnasium floor

Where to buy:
All uniform, including the *specialist items, can be purchased from:
Unit 32 Walthamstow Business Centre
Clifford Road
London E17 4SX
Tel: 020 8531 4446