Welcome to Lime Academy Larkswood
Lime Academy Larkswood converted to academy status in February 2015, when Lime Academy Larkswood was established as the founding member of the Lime Trust.
We share the same ambition: to work in partnership to make a positive difference to the lives and opportunities for children, young people and adults within our school and the global community
We secure excellent teaching through a secure understanding of how pupils learn and of the core features of successful classroom practice and curriculum design, leading to rich curriculum opportunities and pupils’ wellbeing
We are committed to providing excellence and equality of opportunity with an emphasis on outstanding learning through quality first teaching
We complement and enhance learning, by providing exciting and inspiring extra curricular opportunities, which enrich life chances
We sustain improvement by talent spotting and championing development opportunities for all
We manage our resources effectively to ensure children receive the very best provision
We have the greatest respect for future technology, embracing all it can do to enhance the learning process
British Values
We have British Values.
Ethos and Values
Our values encourage all stakeholders to display the behaviours expected of a member of our school community.
Lime Academy Larkswood is governed by an Academy Council who are responsible for the governance of the Academy.
Our pupils come from a rich cultural and linguistic backgrounds
Lime Trust
We were established as a Multi Academy Trust in February 2015
New Wave Alliance
Lime Academy Larkwood is delighted to have become a member of this innovative and collaborative group of schools working together to improve education.
View our latest Ofsted report
Performance Data
Stay up to date with our latest performance data
All elements of school life and expectations can be found in our booklets
Who works at Lime Academy Larkswood?
SEND Information
View our SEN information report
Teacher Training
The Lime Trust is gaining an outstanding reputation for teacher training and development and we are proud to offer the School Direct Programme