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About Little Larks Nursery

We believe that children are active learners who are physically, emotionally and mentally involved in learning; for young children play is the natural and most important vehicle for active learning.

The curriculum has to be accessible for every child – in planning opportunities for children’s individual needs and building on life experiences, our practitioners ensure that the different areas of learning are interlinked and that each area is given equal importance (broad and balanced curriculum).

We value the importance of outdoor learning, which the children have access to every day. Learning outside gives children contact with the natural world and offers them experiences that are unique to outdoors, such as direct contact with the weather and seasons.

Our Team

Is comprised of a wealth of expertise and professionally qualified staff: teachers, EYP practitioners and trainees working towards their qualifications. They take on the role of a key worker and will maintain development records for each child which will show the progress made at nursery and will be shared with you as a parent/carer. The staff are highly skilled in leading learning and taking your child’s lead as they play, explore and discover.

We welcome parents and children to visit our nursery. Please contact us by calling the school office on: 0208 529 4979 or by email: to book a tour or if you have any enquiries.

Prices are competitive and will be made available to you upon your visit or over the telephone on 020 8529 4979

What We Offer image

What We Offer

Little Larks Nursery is open Monday to Fridays 8.30am – 3.25pm. We offer Full and Part time places (AM/PM), with the option of Wrap around care from 7.30am – 5.30pm.

We are located at Lime Academy Larkswood on New Road, Chingford in its own dedicated space, with the benefits of using the school’s full amenities.

  • Paid and non-paid (government funded hours) 3-4 year old places
  • School day and extended day places
  • Term time only places
  • Free 15 hours places
  • Free 30 hours places
  • The opportunity to top up your government funded places to receive wrap-around care