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Our Pupil Premium Statement

In 2011 the pupil premium was introduced to increase the attainment and aspiration of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and close the gap between them and their peers.The funding is allocated to schools for students from Reception to Year 6 who have registered for free school meals in the last six years, and young people who are in care or have parents in the Armed Forces.

Research shows that students who are entitled to Pupil Premium face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, less family support, lack of confidence, and issues with attendance and punctuality. The pupil premium grant is allocated to initiatives to ensure pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially.

From April 2015, nurseries, schools, childminders and other childcare providers have been able to claim extra funding through the new Early Years Pupil Premium to support children’s development, learning and care.

The Lime Trust and Lime Academy Larkswood have a school-wide commitment to raise achievements for pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium and know that these learners must make faster progress than non-eligible pupils and we are committed to achieving this.

This academic year 2024 – 2025 Lime Academy Larkswood will receive Pupil Premium funding of £213,120. Please see the Pupil Premium Strategy and impact report for more information.
We use this funding to support: image

We use this funding to support:

  • additional teaching and non-teaching staff working across the school to accelerate progress moving children to at least age related expectations. Initially this will be in reading, writing and maths.
  • to provide after school enrichment activities and booster classes for pupils
  • subsidised places for pupils at breakfast club, after school clubs and school trips
  • opportunities for greater involvement of parents
  • opportunities for children to access subsidised music tuition

Please take a look at the EEF Toolkit (link on this page), This gives an indication of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils of the school.

Our next strategy review will take place in July 2025.