Home Learning Zone
We provide home learning opportunities that are enjoyable, manageable, interesting and extend and enrich the learning, which takes place in school.
Every child is asked to read for at least 10 minutes a day either via Reading Cloud, BugClub or with a book that they enjoy. It is also expected that parents write comments in their child’s reading record when a child is heard reading. Book bags must be brought to school every day.
Visit our home learning zone where children can access a range of programmes and software to support their learning.
Art & Design:
Design & Technology:
Nursery Rhymes and Songs - A to Z - BBC Teach
Early Reading & Phonics:
Our curriculum and school environment promotes ‘reading widely and often’. We know that reading widely and engaging in a full range of genres allows children to develop into confident, fluent readers who are able to access texts with a deeper understanding. In Key Stage 2 we offer children the chance to participate in ‘The Reading Challenge’. They are challenged to read 20 books in a year across a variety of given genres. They then complete a book review and share their reflections with their teacher. Children are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates with a pin badge to mark their Gold achievement.
Links to support the challenge:
Year 4 pupils are required to take a Statutory Multiplication check towards the end of the academic year. The below link is an online test that is in the same format as the statutory test. Children can therefore use this as a practise tool regardless of their age or year group. Multiplication times tables
Modern Foreign Languages
PSHE & Citizenship: